Visitor regulations

The visitor regulations are recognised with the purchase of a ticket or group reservation.

In order to avoid accidents, the greatest possible care will be taken for all visitors to the Historic Rock Walks. Nevertheless, we must point out the following:

Due to the special structural and climatic conditions (8-12° C, sometimes over 90 % humidity), sturdy footwear and suitable clothing must be worn. Despite all safety measures, a certain residual risk during the walk, e.g. tripping or twisting an ankle, cannot be completely ruled out. We accept no liability for this. You act at your own risk.

The conditions underground can also lead to particular strain on the heart and circulation. The guided tours take place in enclosed underground rooms, some of which are narrow and low. People who are prone to phobias, especially claustrophobia (fear of space), should refrain from participating. Please check for yourself whether you can expose yourself to these stresses without jeopardising your health.

If circumstances arise during the course of the tour that make further participation impossible, the tour guide must be informed immediately. Unauthorised removal from the group of visitors and attempts to leave the facility are not permitted. In the event of an emergency, guests must be returned immediately via the nearest emergency exit.

Persons who are obviously under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances may not take part in a guided tour.

The consumption of food and drink in the rock cellars is prohibited.

Photography and filming is only permitted with the authorisation of NKG.

Mobile phones, MP3 players etc. must be switched off so as not to disturb the guided tour.

Animals are not permitted on the tour.

Each visitor receives a visitor ticket before the tour, which is checked at the start of the tour or at the entrance to the rock corridors.

During the dark tour, each visitor receives a safety helmet. Helmets must be worn on these tours.

Children under the age of 8 are only permitted to take part in the guided tours if accompanied by a supervisor. Parents are obliged to keep an eye on their children. This also applies to group leaders of children’s groups or teachers of school classes. They are not released from their duty of supervision.

It is forbidden to leave the group or the venue during special events or to enter cordoned-off areas.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in all tour areas, including the brewery and the whisky warehouse.

The instructions of the visitor guides (tour guides) must be followed at all times.

Non-compliance with the visitor regulations will result in the tour being cancelled. The admission price will not be refunded in this case.

Status February 2024