Our tour guides

Discover our guided tours

They are the brains, but also the heart and soul of our guided tours. Their personalities give each tour its very own character. We look forward to introducing our guides to you on this page. Or would you prefer to get to know them personally during a guided tour?

If you already have a favourite, please ask us for your personal favourite guide for group bookings. If this is available, we will be happy to fulfil your request.

Guide yourself instead of being guided: Become a tour guide now!

We are looking for new tour guides to join our team. If you love history, speak German and English fluently, enjoy cultural mediation and interacting with people, are available during the week and/or at weekends, you can apply to Historische Felsengänge Nürnberg by 15 September 2024.

What is important to us:

Are you enthusiastic and interested in Nuremberg’s history, the historical tradition of beer brewing and the architectural features of the rock cellars with all their facets?
You can inspire people, your rhetorical skills are above average.
Are you good with people and do you have the confidence to guide up to 25 people in a group through our rock cellars?
Ideally, you also have pedagogical knowledge and/or experience of working with children.
You are also prepared to work evenings and weekends.

What we offer you:

Varied events with interesting guests
A wonderful workplace in the historic city centre of Nuremberg
Performance-related pay
Nice colleagues with whom you will have a lot of fun

Have we aroused your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application!

Send your application documents (short CV with photo) by e-mail as a PDF file to the following e-mail address: reinhard.engel@historische-felsengaenge.de

Richard Selke

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, red beer tour, dark beer tour

‘I was born and grew up in the Oberpfalz, but I have lost my heart and my love to Nuremberg.
The city is colourful and full of history. As your guide, I tell one of these stories about red beer on my tours of the historic rock corridors.’

Bernd Vogel

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, combination tour, red beer tour, dark beer tour

‘That was really fun’, guests say about my guided tours. As an expert on Nuremberg’s city history and beer culture, I will guide you through the city and the rocky passages with a lot of passion and turn history into an experience with my stories. Guests love my relaxed and amusing manner.’

Claudia Radtke

Tour guide for city tour, historic rock corridors, combined tour

‘With expertise, experience and pleasure in dealing with people from all over the world, I will guide you through Nuremberg and Nuremberg’s history, above and below ground in German, English, Chinese (Mandarin) and Indonesian. I’m looking forward to it.’

Hannes Ziener

Tour guide for historic rock corridors, red beer tour, dark beer tour, combined tour ‘700 years of brewing tradition’

‘As a person with an affinity for enjoyment and a lover of excellent beers, nothing gives me more pleasure than giving people from all over the world a wonderful, memorable experience on a guided tour through the Historic Rock Walks and the Old Town. The odd entertaining anecdote is a must – as is a fresh sip of Nuremberg red beer afterwards.’

Carmen Machmuridis-Lösch

Tour guide for city tour, historic rock corridors, red beer and combination tour

‘My hobby is my profession. I enthusiastically bring the above-ground and underground history of Nuremberg closer to my guests in a vivid and lively way. Anyone who is enthusiastic sounds like a friend.’

Canan Yaman

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘On a guided tour through Nuremberg’s underworld, it’s not only the mere imparting of knowledge that’s important to me, but also the fun you have during the tour. I look forward to exciting, humorous and relaxed tours with you – in German, English, Spanish or Turkish!’

Michaela Puchinger

Tour guide for city tour, historic rock corridors, combined tour and red beer tour

‘For 25 years, I’ve been guiding visitors through Nuremberg’s above-ground and underground sights with joy and enthusiasm. My favourites are the combined tour and the red beer tour. Because if you come from Pilsen, the city of beer, and have lived in Franconia for more than 30 years, then you must be a beer fan, right?’

Francesca Tani

Tour guide for city tour, historic rock corridors, combined tour

‘Learn about the past to understand the future! As an IHK-trained tour guide and historian, history is my true passion and I will be happy to share it with you in German, Italian and English.’

Dirk Hinrichs

Tour guide for historic rock corridors, red beer tour

‘As a native ‘Pied Piper’ and a convinced Nuremberger by choice, I would like to take you into the Nuremberg underworld rather than – as happened back then – to the Koppenberg near Hamelin, never to be seen again. Together we will explore the historic rock corridors, experience Nuremberg’s history and I have lots of interesting things to tell you about the beer tradition of the past and present.’

Beate Ruthmann

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, red beer tour, children's tour

‘As a native of Ostwestfälin, I have lived in this historic city since 1986. Nuremberg has become my second home, which I have learnt to appreciate and love very much and know like the back of my hand.
You can look forward to an interesting, informative and entertaining tour in which I will guide you through the most unknown parts of Nuremberg with charm and temperament.’

Dietrich Haböck

Tour guide for historic rock corridors, red beer tour

‘As a musician, Nuremberg is a source of inspiration for me – just think of the Meistersinger, the Nuremberg Ratsmusik, the instrument makers, music printers, etc. But the Nuremberg underground is just as exciting, with 25,000 square metres of cellar space (exclusively for beer storage), which I would like to introduce to you in an entertaining way.’

Irmi Kirchner

Tour guide Historic rock corridors, guided tour for children

‘I like being with people and, as an educator, I have a good connection with children. I think the rocky passages are just great and everything together makes for exciting guided tours right into the centre of Nuremberg Castle Hill.
So take your torches and just come along!’

Martina Ebert

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, combined tours

‘Did you know what Nuremberg’s Old Town has to offer? Come with me on a journey into the past and let yourself be enchanted by the mysterious atmosphere of the old beer cellars and the city’s multifaceted history. As an experienced tour guide, I will be happy to share my enthusiasm for this endearing city with you.’

Marion Bongartz

Tour guide for combined tours

‘I enjoy guiding guests through Nuremberg above and below ground with enthusiasm. I bring you closer to the history of the city in an entertaining way.
The underground rock cellars in particular have a special atmosphere and a lot to tell. Come with me!’

Maximilian Cizek

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘Having fun at work has always been a high priority for me when choosing a career. After gaining initial experience in the tourism industry as an entertainer, I have had the privilege of telling you the story of Nuremberg’s rock cellars for some time now.
With humour and charm, I will take you into the Nuremberg underworld and introduce you to Nuremberg, its inhabitants and, of course, the original Nuremberg red beer.’

Malgorzata Biknierska

Tour guide for guided city tours, historical rocky passages, red beer tour, combined tour, children's tour

‘I love accompanying guests of all ages on their journey of discovery through the exciting history of our city. Underground and above ground and in German or Polish. And there really is a lot of history to discover – I promise!’

Dilek Yüksel

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, city tours, red beer tours, children's tours, combined tours

‘Experience the diversity of the medieval city of Nuremberg with me! Let yourself be carried away on a tour of discovery through Nuremberg’s above and below ground.
As a certified tour guide of Nuremberg, I look forward to an entertaining walk with you, during which you will learn interesting facts about the city and its history.’

Andrea Keidel

Tour guide for city tours, historical cliff walks, combined tours

‘I love showing my guests Nuremberg above and below ground and would be happy to guide you through the history and stories of my home city. Because: ‘You only see what you know’.’

Marianna Kuertova

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, red beer tour, combined tour

‘First I led study and adventure tours across Japan, now I present Nuremberg’s Old Town and what is hidden beneath its streets to curious visitors from all over the world. I show with pleasure and good humour how magnificent and at the same time mysterious this city can be: in German, English, Slovakian and Japanese.’

Charly Ott

Tour guide Historic rock corridors, red beer tour

‘As a native of Regensburg, I moved to beautiful Nuremberg in 1995. Since then, I have been captivated by the magic of the city – especially the historic Old Town. I can say from the bottom of my heart that the old town has become the centre of my life. The history of the city inspires me and with great joy, a pinch of humour and beautiful stories, I bring visitors to the city closer to the history of Nuremberg in German and English.’

Jürgen Baum

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, red beer tour, dark beer tour

Ingrid Petermann

Tour guide for historic rock corridors and combined tour ‘Old town tour and rock corridors’

‘Competent, full of knowledge and imagination, I create images in your mind – ‘downstairs’ and ‘upstairs’ in Nuremberg. The two are inextricably linked. You can experience this with me in German, English and French.’

Justina Mehringer

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘As a native of Nuremberg, I live a stone’s throw from the castle and am always fascinated by the secrets hidden in the castle rock. Let me accompany you on a tour in German, English or Spanish through the underground corridors.’

Anca Amare

Tour guide for historic rock corridors, combined tour ‘Old town tour and rock corridors’

‘With heart and soul, passion and expertise, I always find it exciting to go on a journey of discovery above and below ground in Nuremberg with visitors from all over the world. Immerse yourself with me in a world of craftsmanship, the art of building, interesting biographies and stories of the old and young Noris, as Nuremberg is affectionately known.’

Claudia Oelsner

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, guided tour for children

‘My heart belongs to the children’s tours in particular. I look forward to taking you on a journey of discovery into the mysterious labyrinth beneath the city, where there are even rumoured to be treasures …’

Martina Caliaro

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘Ever since I came to Nuremberg from Italy, I have been fascinated by the history and charm of the city. I am delighted to be able to introduce you to a particularly mysterious and fascinating part of it. In German, English or Italian, I will take you on a journey through time to discover the underworld.’

Dominik Mujkanovic

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘As a native of Nuremberg, I’ve only ever acted on the surface. I’ve been working here for over 20 years as a hall announcer and basketball presenter, presenting this sport in a slightly different way. Now I’m bringing my elements from ‘above’ to ‘below’ in the Felsenkeller and have another ‘playing field’ that I can present to you.’

Dimitri Juhimenko

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘For a passionate historian and beer lover like me, the Nuremberg cliffs are the ideal combination of hobby and profession. Being a tour guide in a place that is characterised by its mystical character gives me all the more pleasure. I can guide you in German, English or Russian.’

Stefan Alfa-Stahl

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘After many years of experience in gastronomy and service at the State Theatre, I appreciate both a good drop and a harmonious performance. After all, we Nurembergers are almost committed to beer and its history. It gives me great pleasure to guide you directly through the cellars to the brewery and the distillery.’

Stefan Meisslein

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

Christoph Lottes

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘As a resident of Nuremberg’s Old Town, I feel like I’m strolling through a large open-air museum every day … Every corner here is bursting with historical buildings, customs and stories. Bringing guests closer to this beautiful old town underground is an incredibly exciting and entertaining experience.’

Jeanette Kofler

Tour guide for guided city tours, historical rock walks, children's tours and combined tours

‘Did you know that Nuremberg has had a beer purity law since the 14th century? If not, then it’s time to get into the swing of things!
As a passionate Nuremberg old hand, I would like to take you on an entertaining journey through time into the history of the city and the world of cellars in German or Italian. Do you like everything but boredom? Well then, ‘baggmers’ it is.’

Susanne Glöckler-Koranchie

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘Every time I dive into Nuremberg’s Old Town and its underworld, it feels like travelling back in time. Join me on this journey!’

Werner Geissler

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, guided tour for children

‘Travelling is my passion, so I’ve been around a lot. But I always enjoy coming home to Nuremberg. I have enjoyed showing my friends from all over the world the city where I was born and bringing them closer with many stories. I am happy to share this history and stories with you.’

Doris Geissler

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘I’m from Nuremberg and like people of all sizes.
I got to know and explore the city as a child with my friend by playing the game ‘Touristinnen’. Today, I guide visitors through the rock corridors and am happy to pass on my knowledge to you.’

Paula Dehlinger

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘As a Nuremberg resident by choice, I am always fascinated by the history of the city – and in particular that of the rocky passages. I look forward to discovering a piece of Nuremberg’s history with you. Come with me to underground Nuremberg, it will be exciting!’

Petra Stamm-Wendel

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, city tours, combined tours

‘I am passionate about Nuremberg and have turned my hobby into my profession. As an art historian and certified city guide, I show the history of Nuremberg in an entertaining way with stories. True to the motto: You only see what you know.
Discover with me romantic and hidden places in the Old Town and the historical underworld. It will be exciting!’

Dr. Bianca Bocatius

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, guided tour for children

‘I enjoy telling exciting stories about the rocky passages to guests of all ages. Discover a hidden and mysterious part of Nuremberg on an entertaining tour!’

Dr. Martin Winter

Tour guide for historic rock galleries, city tour

Tilo Siegler

Tour guide for historic rock galleries

‘History, stories and beer – that’s the triad of Nuremberg’s underworld.
As a native of Würzburg and an enthusiastic Nuremberg resident by choice, I will introduce you to the rock cellars in the well-known endearing Franconian way.’

Stefan Müller

‘As a true ‘Nämbercher’, I was born, grew up and live in the most beautiful city in the world. I learnt many stories about our beautiful historic town as a child.
I would be delighted to share these stories with you and take you on a tour of the underground of our beautiful town. Have I aroused your interest? I look forward to meeting you!’

Daniela Labella

‘As a Nuremberg native with friends from all over the world, I suddenly realised during a city tour – I want to do that too!
Instead of interpreting for my visitors, I now guide young and old guests through the rock corridors and tell them about the exciting history of this city in German, English and Italian.’

Peter Röttges

‘I’ve always been interested in the hidden secrets and little stories behind the scenes. As a guide through the rock cellars, I try to share this enthusiasm with you.’

Marjeto Pastar

‘Join me on a journey through time into Nuremberg’s underground: experience a few hundred years in different time periods, take in the flavour of the past and expand your general knowledge at the same time.
As an old Nuremberg native with a Croatian background, I speak both languages, and English and Italian are also part of my language portfolio.
I will be happy to guide you through the interesting past of this city.’